
Citation Help

Use the MLA Style Center to make sure your paper follows MLA format rules. 

There are guides and practice templates that help you ensure your entire essay - from the header to the works cited page - look exactly as it should.

Use OWL Purdue if you want specific, detailed instructions about anything to do with MLA or APA style. 

If you are not sure how to make a works cited page or create in text citations, this is the place to go. Whether you're trying to cite a book, a website, an article, a video, etc., OWL Purdue has the answers, and is especially useful for citing these sources in your paper. 

Before using an auto-generating citation maker, take a look at the MLA Style Center and Purdue Owl, which have detailed information about creating citations and works cited pages. You can also use a citation maker like Citation Machine to create citations for your papers, and check your paper for grammatical errors.  

You can easily and quickly cite websites, books, videos, articles, and more on this site. However, although this website is easy in the moment, keep in mind that it's easier to learn and memorize citation guidelines in the long-term.