Dual Immersion


The dual immersion program at Fallbrook High School will develop high linguistic literacy and academic proficiency in two languages while fostering, culturally and globally competent and community-minded students.

Participating in the dual immersion program will not drastically impact your student's schedules.  The courses that have been approved at the high school comply with graduation requirements and A-G readiness.  Students will take necessary courses to graduate and be college and career-ready, and some of those courses will be offered in Spanish.  Students will take additional Spanish language development courses that are not required for graduation but are recommended for college

The Seal of Biliteracy requires that students meet a variety of requirements in both English and the target language.  There is more than one way to achieve the Seal of Biliteracy, and the dual immersion courses prepare students for this award.  

Fallbrook High School currently has International Baccalaureate trained teachers who will be working together to create the Fallbrook High School Global Village.  These teachers are the same teachers who are teaching Spanish language development and courses in the target language.  Both The Dual Immersion Program and The Global Village work together to support globally competent and community-minded students.

Dual Immersion courses at FHS for the most part are not additional courses, but rather courses that are required and will be taught in Spanish.  Each student’s schedule is different based on electives and CTE courses, but an AVID pathway works in most students’ schedules.

Many students who wish to take AVID, participate in dual immersion, and participate in electives, choose to take PE during 0 period or during the summer.  

Yes, dual immersion courses for the most part are not additional classes, but rather required classes for graduation and A-G compliance; however, completion of a four-year CTE pathway does require planning with a counselor to ensure your student is maximizing their schedule.