Ivy High School students are subject to an Honor Code which deals with cheating and plagiarism. All tests, quizzes, reports, assignments, and any school-related tests are subject to this policy. (Refer to #35 Discipline Matrix.) The misuse of school forms and/or falsification of school documents are Honor Code violations.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, looking at another student’s paper, using prompts, or talking during an exam. Helping another student cheat on an exam or assignment is also a violation of the Honor Code.
Teacher will place a phone call to parent/guardian regarding Honor Code violations.
The following action will be taken when students are in violation of this policy.
Click on the Attendance Page
Ivy High School’s goal is to provide a safe, secure, and motivating learning environment. We believe that every student has the right to a quality education. Consequently, we expect our students to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner. If a student chooses to behave in a manner that interrupts the learning process, or shows disrespect for others, the student must be willing to accept the consequences. The same discipline rules apply for all school related activities (on and off campus), and while traveling to and from school,
Classroom discipline will be dealt with in the following manner:
First Offense - Teacher warns the student.
Second Offense - Teacher warns the student and makes phone call to parent/guardian.
Third Offense - Teacher assigns detention and makes parent contact.
Fourth Offense - Teacher sends referral to assistant principal indicating fourth offense. Appropriate discipline will be assigned.
Fifth Offense - Referral to assistant principal requesting teacher/parent/student/assistant principal/counselor (if available) conference. Student is placed on class contract and appropriate discipline may be assigned.
Class Contract violation consequences will be:
1st violation 1-day in In-School Suspension
2nd violation 2 days in In-School Suspension
3rd violation drop from class with F
*Depending on individual circumstances, teacher may request the principal attend the conference at the fourth offense. A behavior contract may be initiated at this conference.
Parent, family, and community engagement is a critical factor of effective schooling, and parent involvement is an integral piece of the new Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Fallbrook Union High School in collaboration with parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members works to enhance parent participation in children's lives. A child's education is a responsibility shared by school, family, and community stakeholders during their time in school.
Parent Involvement Board Policy 6020
Parent Involvement Administrative Regulation 6020
In order to visit as a guest during class time, please email or call the teacher at least 48 hours before the day of your visit. Once approved by administration the teacher will notify the receptionist of the beginning and end times for your intended visit and a visitor’s badge will be issued to you upon arrival. The pass allows you to go to that teacher’s class only. You may not wander around on campus, including during lunch. If you have not made prior arrangements, we will not interrupt the teacher by calling. Your former teachers love to hear from you and we will be happy to help you with a teacher’s email address so that you can say hello and make arrangements based on the teacher’s availability. Please log on to https://fallbrookhs.fuhsd.net/ , click on “About Us”, click on “Staff Directory” and pick the teacher you would like to visit. Thank you for helping us to keep our focus on learning and keeping our students, staff, and visitors safe.
The Board of Trustees believes that it is important for parents / guardians and community members to take an active interest in the issues affecting district schools and students. Therefore, the Board encourages interested parents / guardians, and members of the community to visit the schools and participate in the educational program. To ensure the safety of students and staff and minimize interruption of the instructional program, the Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures, which facilitate visits during regular school days. Visits during school hours should be first arranged with the Principal or designee. When a visit involves a conference with a teacher or the Principal, an appointment should be scheduled during non-instructional time. All outsiders, as defined in law and administrative regulation, shall register immediately upon entering any school building or grounds when school is in session. The Principal or designee may design a visible means of identification for visitors while on school premises. Any person in a classroom without the teacher and Principal’s permission may use no electronic listening or recording device. (Education Code 51512)
The Board encourages all individuals to assist in maintaining a safe and secure school environment by behaving in an orderly manner while on school grounds and by utilizing the district's complaint processes if they have concerns with any district program or employee. In accordance with Penal Code 626.7, the Principal or designee may request that any individual who is causing a disruption, including exhibiting volatile, hostile, aggressive, or offensive behavior, immediately leave school grounds. Any person who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Penal Code 290, including a parent / guardian of a district student, shall request written permission from the Principal before entering the school campus or grounds. As necessary, the principal shall consult with local law enforcement authorities before allowing the presence of any such person at school or other school activity. The principal also shall report to the Superintendent or designee anytime he/she gives such written permission. Legal Reference: Education Code 32210 willful disturbance of public school or meeting 32211 Threatened disruption or interference with classes; misdemeanor 32212 Classroom interruptions 35160 Authority of governing boards 35292 Visits to schools (board members) 49091.10 Parental right to inspect instructional materials and observe school activities 51101 Parent Rights Act of 2002 51512 Prohibited use of electronic listening or recording device.
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