Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an in-school academic support program. The purpose of the program is to prepare students for college eligibility and success. Fallbrook High School AVID has been a part of the FHS community since 1989 and continues to support students in achieving their goals to successfully graduate and attend college.


Candidates for AVID are identified and placed according to the following criteria:

  • Ability — academic potential to succeed in college preparatory courses (GPA of 2.5+)
  • Desire and determination — desire to attend college, have a good attendance record, and willingness to undertake demanding preparation for college.
  • Membership in an underserved group — this can include students who would be the first in their family to attend college or are a member of a group underrepresented in college, i.e., African Americans, Latinos, low-income, English learners.
  • Academic Rigor and College Readiness
  • Candidates are chosen through teacher, staff, and community recommendation and will complete an application and interview process. 


Once accepted into the AVID program, students will:

  • Attend the AVID elective course for one period each day where they receive the additional academic, social, and emotional support that will help them succeed in rigorous courses.
  • Participate in tutorials with college students to engage and support learning. 
  • Learn skills like note-taking, goal setting, time management, reading and writing strategies and how to interact with peers and work in groups. They can then practice those skills in more challenging courses, such as honors and Advanced Placement classes.
  • Gain information and awareness about the processes of applying for colleges, financial aid, and scholarships.


 chart Mary Begley AVID Site Coordinator / District Director


760-720-6300 x 2080

 chart Shannon Charles AVID Elective Teacher


760-720-6300 x2083

 chart Ricardo Leyva AVID Elective Teacher


760-720-6300 x 2084