
FHS Sports Contact Information

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Girls' Lacrosse Varsity 2023-24 CIF San Diego League Champions!

Fallbrook Athletics Events

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 Girls' Lacrosse Varsity 2023-24 CIF San Diego League Champions!  Girls' Lacrosse Varsity 2023-24 CIF San Diego League Champions!

Athletic Staff

Patrick Walker

Athletic Director

(760) 723-6300 x3601
(760) 723-6439


Claudia Mendez

Athletic Secretary

(760) 723-6300 x3610
(760) 723-6439


Madisyn McCormick

Athletic Trainer

(760) 723-6300 x3608
(760) 723-6439


Sports Information

Fallbrook High encourages all students to become active in our Sports Programs. Below is a listing of all sports and the email of the head coach for you to get more detailed information about their sport and / or program. We have also included the contact information for he Athletic Office. We would love to hear from you.

Fall Sports, Winter Sports and Spring Sports.

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 Profile image 70614

Anna Haskel

Traditional Competitive Cheer

Bill Lenaway

Tennis Coach

 Profile image 70584

Debbie Berg

Lacrosse Head Coach

Haley Flores


Madison McComas

Volleyball Head Coach

Lisa Stehle

Softball Coach

Neil Medlock

Golf Coach

 Profile image 70590

Salvador Cabrera

Soccer Head Coach

Samuel (Trae) Harrison

Basketball Coach

Sean Redmond

Swim / Dive & Water Polo Coach

Cierra Holland

Cross Country Head Coach

 Profile image 328428

Melissa Palmer

Field Hockey Head Coach

Bill Lenaway

Tennis Coach

Bill Richardson

Water Swim / Dive

Thomas Brockson

Wrestling Coach

Madison McComas

Volleyball Head Coach

 Profile image 70613

Jonathan Terry

Basketball Coach

 Profile image 70603

Jorge Rojas

Soccer Coach

 Profile image 70589

Patrick Walker

Baseball Coach

 Profile image 70583

Marco Arias

Cross Country & Track / Field Coach

L.T. Jones

Lacrosse Coach

Neil Medlock

Golf Coach

Ross Johnson


Scott Weissner

Boys Water Polo Head Coach